are you really introvert?

Hello, we often hear and even say "I’m Introvert, I’m extrovert". have you ever known that there is third option called ambivert?
Let’s take a look into these together.


Extroverts draw their energy from the external world. They are typically social, talkative, and outgoing individuals. They enjoy interacting with large groups and participating in social activities. Meeting new people, engaging in different activities, and being constantly active makes them happy. Characteristics of extroverts include:
• Being social
• Talkative and communicative
• Energetic and outgoing
• Enjoying group activities


Introverts draw their energy from their internal world. They are generally more quiet, inward-focused, and enjoy individual activities. They tend to avoid crowded places and prefer spending time alone. Social interactions can tire them out, and they need time alone to recharge. Characteristics of introverts include:
• Being calm and inward-focused
• Enjoying individual activities
• Avoiding crowded and noisy places
• Enjoying spending time alone


Ambiverts possess a mix of extrovert and introvert traits. Depending on the situation, they can be social and outgoing at times, while preferring solitude and inward focus at other times. Ambiverts balance the traits of both personality types and can easily adapt to different situations. Characteristics of ambiverts include:
• Enjoying both social and individual activities
• Being outgoing or inward-focused depending on the situation
• Being flexible and adaptable
• Feeling comfortable in social settings and when alone
Overall, these different personality types influence how individuals behave socially and where they draw their energy from, helping to understand the unique traits and needs of each person.
The most important thing is, never put yourself in a frame by accepting one of two options and making it phatal about you. You’re unique.






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