unite humans

In a realm where dreams ascend and descend,
A solitary hour weighs upon me heavily.
Within this room, the walls close in, you see,
Ears ring, hearts race, exclamations turn to query.
Thoughts tire swiftly, as if forgotten,
Humanity’s essence fades, a truth forsaken.
Yet fear not, dear soul, for the sun still feeds,
Let not a thousand rivers of tears make you grieve.
When troubles assail, burdening the heart,
Seek solace in a confidant, who understands your part.
For we are human, in need of human ties,
A heart craves solace, a tongue yearns to vocalize.
Like rivers converging in an overflow,
Stars entwined, in celestial glow.
Clouds must unite, the sky to rumble and pour,
With thunder and rain, life’s blessings to adore.
A pot boils not without the flame’s embrace,
A bird soars not with a single wing’s grace.
Two coals ignite, burning bright in their quest,
While a lone coal in the oven remains at rest.
Within my heart reside a thousand words,
Unburdening my spirit, as the tale unfurls.
Speak, my friends, and listen in kind,
Let not a single day pass without you by my side.
For in this tapestry of life, woven with care,
Our bonds, our stories, intertwine and share.
So let us gather, unite, and never be apart,
For together we thrive, nourishing each other’s heart.






One response to “unite humans”

  1. fatih avatar

    Wow, you have a side of poetry!

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